Sunday, August 26, 2012


You know how there are some days of your life where there seems to be a theme? You might see lots of a certain kind of car, or hear the same song in a few different stores, or hear the same word or phrase several times on the same day. Well, if today had a theme, it would most certainly be, "I am praying for you." I must have heard those words about 30 times today. Thank you, Body of Christ. You really blessed me today :)

Tomorrow is the day I see Dr. Conley in Michigan at 2:30 (EST)! I know this meeting has already been bathed in prayer, and I am looking forward to giving you all a report. 

Strengthened for today, hopeful for tomorrow --


  1. I thought that this would be some kind of comment about school starting up at Masters...

    1. Haha, Dallas! I guess there are a lot of things going on tomorrow. I will miss Master's, especially seeing you at the library during your homework breaks.

  2. Hey Camille,
    I discovered your blog through facebook a little while ago. I had no idea about all of this! I am definitely praying for you! I don't remember how the time zones correlate, but I've already had my Monday, so I guess your's is coming up very soon. Much love, <3 <3 <3 Lisa (S.O.A. - Incase you know lots of Lisas)

    1. Lisa! So good to hear from you! Thank you for leaving a comment. To my knowledge, you are still the only Lisa I know :) I hope you are doing well. <3 and hugs back at you, my dear SOA! :)

  3. Camille,

    Uncle Bobby and I are anxiously waiting to hear what Dr. Conley had to say today. We love you lots are are praying for you.

  4. Oh! That's today! Which... would explain why you weren't on chat. :P I am praying for you, and looking forward to the report! :)


Disclaimer: If you have a health resource you can't resist sharing, I would love to hear about it if you feel it will be truly helpful. I am already doing my best to fight this illness from a nutritional, structural, as well as medical stand-point. Please avoid comments with "miracle cure" stories about your Aunt Milly's granddaughter who drank coltsfoot tea for a week and has been fine ever since. I'm very thankful it worked for her in her case, but there are so many environmental, emotional, and other factors that make CFS/ME complicated and different from just an average illness. That being said, please leave thoughtful and uplifting comments below.