Thursday, February 14, 2013

Candida Cooking!

Just photos today. Hope you enjoy the colorfulness!

Working on multiple dishes simultaneously! Chicken salad, freeze-dried herbs, baked cinnamon squash, yogurt-marinated chicken, and roasted garlic.

Parsley, chives, rosemary. 

[about to be] roasted garlic!

Chopped chives and chicken salad!

Last but not least, a clean kitchen... and... my Vitacost order! Almost all of it, anyway. My ginger tea should be here soon. :)

That's all, folks! Happy Valentine's Day!

Nella Camille

1 comment:

  1. Looks like lots of work Camille. The dishes sound great though!


Disclaimer: If you have a health resource you can't resist sharing, I would love to hear about it if you feel it will be truly helpful. I am already doing my best to fight this illness from a nutritional, structural, as well as medical stand-point. Please avoid comments with "miracle cure" stories about your Aunt Milly's granddaughter who drank coltsfoot tea for a week and has been fine ever since. I'm very thankful it worked for her in her case, but there are so many environmental, emotional, and other factors that make CFS/ME complicated and different from just an average illness. That being said, please leave thoughtful and uplifting comments below.